Contact Info

Strong Tower Realty & Management
600 Kenrick Dr. D-4, Houston, TX 77060
Phone: (832) 423-8303
Send Email (832) 423-8303

About Me


I enjoy building relationships for Life!!!!!!!

Everybody in life has their own fascinations. I have several fascinations, real estate, construction, taxes and people just to name a few. I have combined my skills and expertise in the various industries to bring a diversified flare to my clients in the real estate industry.

Strong company values, passion and hard work has helped me build my businesses. We strive in all sorts of relationships in life and business. I enjoy building a rapport with people and the experience that comes with it. Over 30 years of experience as a business owner and entrepreneur and a guide has kept our company successful.

I have learned in my journey that every person is special and unique in their own way and that their goals and personal needs determines what is right for them.

I realize that obtaining a mortgage, purchasing a home, preparig income taxes, etc and making the right decision can be very difficult and overwhelming. It does not matter if you obtaining a mortgage, purchasing a home, preparig income taxes, my job is to be a GUIDE to YOU.

My job will always be the same.

Find the best options available
Present them in an easy to understand format
Answer any and all questions
Build a long lasting relationship

I’m your Real Estate guide and I have been guiding Clients for over 30 years in various industries, real estate, construction, taxes and mortgages. I take pleasure in being a guide.

Let me GUIDE you through your next home purchase.